We need your help today to protect Kansas’ tomorrow.

After their earlier attempts failed, the Kansas Legislature returned in the final days of the 2019 session to pass a new tax bill. Now known as CCR for HB 2033, this legislation retains harmful corporate tax giveaways and costs a quarter-billion dollars over three years.  

That’s a quarter-billion dollars less to keep Kansas on the road to recovery after years of damaging fiscal policy.

Gov. Laura Kelly has already voiced concerns about the bill, but now she should hear from you. Please let the governor know you want her to veto HB 2033

This revised legislation directs 84 percent of its benefits in the first year to corporations. And while it now includes a variety of other tax provisions, it still mostly benefits those who are doing the very best in our economy. 

Tell Gov. Kelly to stand up for every single Kansan, not just powerful business interests. 

Governing is about priorities and choices. When the chips were down, the Legislature didn’t expand KanCare, which would have helped some 150,000 Kansans with affordable health insurance. They decided to pass this costly tax plan instead.

The governor has an important chance now to say what matters to her. Main Street or Wall Street? Individual Kansans or multinational corporations?

Tell her to veto HB 2033 now.