K-12 Committee Draft Report Tabled!

The K-12 Student Success Committee met again this morning for all of 30 minutes to consider the draft report written by Chairman Highland.

Almost immediately, Rep. Ron Ryckman, Jr. (R-Olathe) moved to table the report to a future meeting. His motion was seconded by Sen. Ty Masterson (R-Andover). Ryckman’s motion would send the draft back to be revised by Legislative Research staff to better reflect the input received by the committee and the discussion they had. It is common practice for Research staff to assist in writing such reports.

Buzz under the dome was that the report reflected the hand of KPI’s Dave Trabert. Some things in the report were alarming such as provisions dealing with special education and at-risk funding. There were a number of “accountability” recommendations as well that raised concerns.

So for now, all of the materials and meeting minutes will go to staff who will try to assemble a new draft.

Click here to read the report that was tabled today.


2016 Legislative Session Will Convene Next Monday!

January 11 marks the start of the 2016 Legislative Session. The Governor will deliver his State of the State Address on Tuesday, January 12.

With continuing drops in revenue thanks to the Governor’s reckless tax cuts of 2012 and 2013 and in particular the big drop experienced in December, it will be interesting to hear if he has any ideas for balancing the budget this year and in the coming year.

We won’t get a look at the Governor’s budget proposal until later.

In preparation for the session, we urge all supporters of public education in Kansas to gear up for a battle! Click below to access the tools you’ll need to stay informed and take action.

Click here for the KNEA Advocacy Toolbox!