2016-05-11 16.08.11Parents, students, citizens, families and educators are planning to gather tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. on the south steps of the ‪#‎ksleg‬ statehouse (adjacent to 10th Ave) to rally to “SAVE OUR SCHOOLS.” This is a grassroots effort planned by parent and citizen groups.

In 2014, KNEA began its “Join Us.” campaign to encourage Kansas citizens to join the efforts of our members to promote public schools in Kansas. We’re now seeing the results of those efforts. KNEA supports the effort of the groups who have organized on their own to plan and lead tomorrow’s rally.

With less than a day to go, KNEA President Mark Farr has encouraged KNEA members to remain engaged and vigilant, and to keep contacting their representatives with a clear message. The Legislature must respect the ruling of the Court regarding funding equity (equalized funding for all KS schools) with a clean bill. Most importantly, KNEA and Kansas citizens expect schools to be open this fall and fully resourced with staffing and materials necessary to provide the best education possible for students. The Court has done its job. Multiple statewide surveys indicate that citizens support the Court and look to the Legislature to finally do its job.  After the longest session in state history last year, Kansans have very little appetite for any shenanigans that could extend the problem.


Ways to stay engaged:
1. Download KNEA’s mobile app from Google’s Play Store and the iTunes / iOS App Store. (Search for Kansas NEA)
2. Register to receive breaking action alerts at www.joinusks.org
3. Get updates in realtime by following KNEA’s “tweet corps” on Twitter: @kneanews, @mlboig, @desettiks
4. Get daily and special updates via KNEA’s Under the Dome website at www.underthedomeks.org