The full House has HB 2531 available for debate on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

This bill expands on one passed as part of school funding back in 2014. It strips instructors in community colleges and technical colleges of the right to due process. In 2014, you did not get a chance to weigh in on due process. The legislature never had a hearing choosing instead to sneak it into a bill at 3:00 am with no opportunity for public input.

This is your chance to have your say. Tell your Representative that all teachers K-12 through post-secondary deserve the simple right to a hearing in a job action.

Contact your Representative by leaving a message on his/her office phone. CLICK HERE for a roster of representatives with links to contact information. VOTE NO ON HB 2531!

Send your Representative an email on this issue. Either use the roster linked above or CLICK HERE to access the KNEA legislative alert.


Protect quality education for every Kansas student. The full House has HB 2292 available for debate on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

This bill repeals all state education standards set by the State Board of Education, prohibits any new standards from being written or developed in a consortium or committee, and prohibits school districts from expending any money on any programs or activities aligned with the Common Core Standards. If passed, Kansas students would be denied access to Advanced Placement Classes, the International Baccalaureate Program, SAT or ACT preparation, the Lexia Reading Recovery program or almost any other instructional program or textbook.

This bill was rammed through committee in a misleading manner. During a committee meeting announced for a presentation on the history of education, a vocal opponent of the common core was given a full 90 minutes to attack the standards. When he was done, the Chairman pulled a bill from last year into committee, and led the committee through amending it by inserting a radical anti-standards bill and quickly passing the bill out. There was no opportunity for opposing viewpoints; there was no public hearing.

Contact your Representative by leaving a message on his/her office phone. CLICK HERE for a roster of representatives with links to contact information. VOTE NO ON HB 2292!

Send your Representative an email on this issue. Either use the roster linked above or CLICK HERE to access the KNEA legislative alert.