Foul winds are blowing throughout the Kansas Legislature tonight. Kansas students from rural communities to urban centers will be the ones who suffer.

Your Senator and Representatives need to hear from you tonight! Here is what is at stake:

  1. An education budget that will re-ignite the cycle of costly litigation of the Brownback disaster, while costing millions of dollars to all public schools in Kansas.
  2. Vouchers that siphon hundreds of millions of dollars away from public schools while gifting public dollars to unaccountable private and for-profit schools.
  3. Loss of local control, the undermining of locally elected school boards, and a legislature that mandates curriculum including basic reading instruction.
  4. Opening all aspects of instruction and educational practice to partisan scrutiny.
  5. Attacks on marginalized students.

Please call AND email your Senator AND your Representative; urge them to end the partisan war on public education, pass a clean funding bill, and support students, educators, and locally elected boards of education.

Legislators seeking to destroy public schools are claiming they have NOT heard from constituents with concerns over their agenda attacking public education in Kansas.

Call and email tonight!