About 10:45 tonight, the full Senate passed SB 136, the PNA bill that came to the floor looking like the Dave Trabert “minority report” bill and was amended on a motion by Senator Tom Arpke (R-Salina) to look almost identical to HB 2326, the PNA bill crafted through consensus by KASB, KNEA, USA/KS, and KSSA. HB 2326 had passed earlier in the day by the House.

The vote in the House was 109 to 14. The bill in the Senate passed 40 to 0.

This action means that both chambers have passed PNA bills that are nearly identical and both representing the consensus of the four education organizations.

Our thanks go out to all the Senators who voted to support the Arpke amendment and the bill as amended. Special thanks also to Senators Arpke, Caryn Tyson, Molly Baumgardner, and Vicki Schmidt who worked with education lobbyists to craft the amendment and then carry it on the floor. Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley also spoke in support of the Arpke amendment on the floor, ensuring the support of the minority party.